Tuesday, August 5, 2008

My attempt at gymming - yet again!!

first things first, i think i have taken a bit of a literary liberty with the word 'gymming'...not sure the word exists, nonetheless you get what i mean :), purists be damned!!!

There is always a time in one's life when you take a long look at a full sized mirror and think that you could do with some repair and maintenance work on that body of yours. There was a time when i used to be very lean, almost like a skeleton and now even though I am not really heavy, I have accumulated some fat around, thanks to desk jobs in air-conditioned offices, comforts of the lift, pizzas and all sort of junk and good old laziness. So this desire to work out and burn the fat has always been there. But what has been sporadic is the actual willingness to go to a gym and walk the talk. In the last 1.5 yrs, this has happened for about 4 times. And each time it has lasted for exactly a week :P

Now I dont know if it happens to everybody, but with me after every session during the initial days, i feel very proud of myself and as if I have acheived a great deal. And so I decide to reward myself with a break from the work out for the the next day!! Then one of these days, the one day break becomes a big barrier and I dont feel like starting it again the next day, and then goes the whole enthu down the drain. And thats how another of my attempts at "being fit" ends.

So, like I mentioned in the title of this post, I am currently on my fifth attempt. This time I have raised the stakes a notch higher. I have taken up annual membership of the gym I am going to and have paid up quite a sum towards the full year's membership charges. Now I am hoping that the thought of having invested so much will drag me to the thread mill. But knowing myself as well as I do, I wouldnt bet on even that keeping me motivated enough :)

As of today, it has been about 15 days since I registered and I think I have done about 7-8 sessions. Not bad going by my previous attempts. Lets see what is the fate this time.

By the way, guess where I should have been right now instead of sitting on my laptop typing this post!! Yep, in the gym, lifting those stupid weights making weird faces ;)

So there you go, its not difficult to guess where this is headed. Anyways, lets hope I succeed this time. I sure will keep you posted.



Krupa said...

Hey Chandru! Nice to read your blog. You sure seem to look healthier ;) in pictures than you used to during our BE days. Good luck on your gymming attempt!


Paddy said...

Hi Chandru....I think it's time to update "My attempt at gymming"..!!